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Hylian to English, A-D

transitive verb
n masc.
masculine noun
intransitive verb
n fem
feminine noun
linking verb

A -a

=aki -aki <o'ki:>: suffix. This is attached to a person's name to indicate love for a person. Used between spouses and boyfriends and girlfriends.

akime akime <o ki:'mei>: n. Friend.

aktaJ& aktajhá <ok" toZo'>: expletive intj. To hell, damn it. Vulgar term equivalent to "Damn it to hell."

akte akte <ok'tei>: n. Name of the first letter of the Hylian alphabet.

alba alba <oL'bo>: adj. Holy.

amkanag amkanag  <om ko'nog>: vt. To love.

amkane amkane <om ko'nei>: n. Love.

anye anye <on'yei>: n. Year.

anz anz <onz>: contraction. The, to the. Contraction of the words ank and taz.

=aSi -ashi <o'shi:>: suffix. Attached to a person's name to indicate affection. It is used by parents to children, between siblings, or between family members of the same social level (like cousins).

=aSO -asho•i <o'shoi>: suffix. Attached to a person's name to indicate affection. It is used to show both love and respect. It is used for social superiors like parents and grandparents.

ati ati <o'ti:>: intj. Darn. Used as a non-vulgar expletive.

az az <oz>: contraction. The, to the. Contraction of the words ab and taz.

Ä -A
Akte äkte (ACK-tay):  n. Name of the second letter of the Hylian alphabet.

Aktriu äktriu (ack-TREE-ooh):  pron. Others.

A•I - ã

@te a•ite (EYE-tay):  n. Name of the third letter of the Hylian alphabet.

A•U -%

%te a•ute (OW-tay):  n. Name of the fourth letter of the Hylian alphabet.

B -b
bado bado (BAY-tay):  prep. After.

bEnkati bënkati (benn-KAH-tee):  intj. Welcome. Usually used as a greeting or salutation. Bënkati ak taz vïlae da•ia katane ~ Welcome to the village of Kataan.

bete bete (BAY-tay):  n. Name of the fifth letter of the Hylian alphabet.

biankag biankag (bee-AHN-kahg):   1. vi. To look. To use one's eyes to view something, or to imagine something. Bagu biankis ant taz ka•iane ~ I looked at the dog. 2. vt.To seek, to look for (something).This form of the verb takes a direct object. It is used in the sense of looking for something, or seeking something. Bagu biankas ab taz veuarde ~ I seek (look for) the truth.

brinste brinste (BREEN-stay):  n. Arm.

D -d

dan> danó•í (dah-NOY): intj. You're welcome. Used in response to someone saying "aroti" or "thank you".

danre danre (DAHN-ray):  n. Money, currency.

daonkve daonkve (dah-OHNK-vay):  n. Lake. This is derived from the words da•ia meaning of and onkve meaning water.

darasune darasune (DAHR-ri): n. Star. Used to refer to a star in the sky other than the Sun.

dari dari (DAHR-ri): expletive intj. Damn, dammit. Mildly vulgar.

darSe darshe (DAHR-shay): n. Ass, butt. Mildly vulgar slang term for buttocks.

date date (DAH-tay): n. Name of the sixth letter of the Hylian alphabet.

daz daz (DAHZ): contraction. Of the. Contraction of the words da•ia and taz.

d@a da•ia (DIE-ah): prep. Of. Used to show possession or the origin of something. Used the same way as English "of". Taz vïlae da•ia katane ~ The village of Kataan.

dege dege (DAY-gay):  n. God, deity. This word can refer to any higher power or god, and is not specifically masculine or feminine.

d)gile dégile (DAY-gee-lay): n masc. God. This  refers specifically to a male deity or god.

d)gine dégine (DAY-gee-nay): n fem. Goddess. This  refers specifically to a female deity or goddess.

depoto depoto (day-POE-toe): prep. Before. Tells when an action happened, usually within a prepositional phrase. It happened before you arrived ~ Ru panses depoto ta•iu yovtes..

depotok depotok (day-POE-toke): adv. Before, previously. Tells when an action happened, it modifies a verb. It has happened before ~ Ru pansad depotok.

dEme dëme (DEMM-ay): n. Ten.

didEme didëme (dee-DEMM-ay): n. Twenty.

diebe diebe (dee-AY-bay): n.Thief.

disale disale (dee-SAHL-ay): n. Two hundred.

dise dise (DEE-say): n.Two.

dokwag dokwag (DOE-kwahg): expletive v. To fuck

dukw& dukwá (dooh-KWAH): expletive intj. Fuck. Extremely vulgar expression to indicate anger or dissatisfaction.

Sections Hylian to English